"I love helping people connect with their dreams and their creativity!"
Dr. Angel Morgan, Ph.D.
Angel Kwan-Yin Morgan founded Dreambridge (thedreambridge.com) in 2008. She specializes in dreams, creativity, and the connection between the two (Dream-Arts). She has worked with adults, children, teens, and parents as a Dream-Arts educator since 1995. An interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker, she received her Ph.D. in Psychology after completing the Dream Studies and Creativity Studies programs at Saybrook University. Before that, she received an M.A. in Human Development from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, a B.A. in Theater, Film, and Television from UCLA, and is a graduate of the Idyllwild Arts Academy.
Angel has worked professionally as an actor, director, dancer, singer-songwriter, and visual artist in Toronto, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chapel Hill, NC. While raising her two children, she earned her teaching certification from the Rudolf Steiner College and a Quality Classroom certificate from the Institute of HeartMath. For five years she was a Waldorf class teacher in Los Altos, CA, where she taught all subjects (Grades 4 - 8) through storytelling, music, art, and drama, educated parents, and was the faculty co-artistic director.
A recipient of the William Fadiman writing award, she is widely published and has written many dream psychology articles ranging from Cambridge Journals to The Huffington Post. In 2017, she won the Best Screenplay Award from The Buddha International Film Festival in India for a story filled with dreams, spiritual development, consciousness exploration, and humor. Dr. Morgan is a Board Director and Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and a member of The American Psychological Association. She is the Director of the Dream Studies Certificate program and Core Faculty at Sofia University.
An experienced lucid dreamer, she started learning about her own dreams when she was four years old from her father, a psychologist who gave her tools from Kilton Stewart’s Senoi Dream Theory. Her other dream mentors as a teen and young adult were Eduardo Duran, Ph.D, and Clara Stewart Flagg, the widow of Kilton Stewart.
Abell, A. M. (2005). The alphabliss of miss. Chico, CA: Morgan Foundation Publishers.
Morgan, A. K. (2008) Socially responsible dreaming, [excerpt] in Morgan, R. Opportunity’s shadow and the bee moth effect: When danger transforms community. 47-53.
Morgan, A. K. (2009). Guest review: Coraline. In R. Russo (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine: Special IASD 25th Anniversary Issue. 26(2), 35-36.
Van De Castle, R., Pimm, B., Morgan, A. K., & Dwyer, R. (2010). The 2010 Psi Dreaming Contest. In R. Russo (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 27(3), 18-21.
Morgan, A. K. (2011). Investigating experienced links between dreams and creativity in the work of professional creative artists. (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest/UMI. (Publication No. AAT 3454126).
Morgan, A. K. (2011, September). The healing power of dream-arts. The San Francisco Psychologist: A Publication of the San Francisco Psychological Association; A Chapter of the California Psychological Association. 3, 10-13.
Morgan, A. K. (2011). The Malaysian people of the dream and traumatic nightmare intervention. Journal of Tropical Psychology. 1(1), 15-16. 10.1375/jtp.1.1.15 Retrievable from Cambridge University Press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1375/jtp.1.1.15
Morgan, A. K. (2012). People of the dream. In Morgan, R. F. (Ed.), Trauma psychology in context: International vignettes and applications from a lifespan clinical-community psychology perspective. 120-124.
Van De Castle, R., Pimm, B., Morgan, A. (2012). Results from the 2012 IASD Psi Dreaming Contest. In R. Russo (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 29(3), 18-19, 39.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, December). Dream sharing as a healing method: Tropical roots and contemporary community potential. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 4(e12). doi:10.1017/jtp.2014.12. Retrievable from Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, A. K. (2016). Dragons, angels, and rites of passage: The universal language of children’s dreams. In C. Johnson & J. Campbell (Eds.), Sleep monsters and superheroes: Empowering children through creative dreamplay. (pp. 69-87). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
screenwriting award • 2017
Graff, D., Morgan, A., Pearson, C., Puricelli, S., & Waggoner, R. (2017, October). A report on the 2017 dream telepathy contest. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime magazine. 24(3), 24-27.
Morgan, A. K. (2018). Dreamer's powerful tiger: A new lucid dreaming classic for children and parents of the 21st century. Ashland, OR: The Dreambridge.
Krippner, S., Saunders, D. T., Morgan, A., & Quan, A. (2019). Remote viewing of concealed target pictures under light and dark conditions. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 15(1), 27-37.
Morgan, A. (2019, September). IASD incoming presidential address 2019. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 36(3), 7-8.
Bulkeley, K., & Morgan, A. (2019, September). Theater, dreams, and art: The IASD regional conference in Ashland. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 36(3), 20-22.
Waggoner, R., & Morgan, A. (2019, September). Dream telepathy winners at the 2019 IASD conference. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 36(3), 30-31.
Morgan, A. (2020, April). IASD’s online dream study groups program. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 37(2), 7-9.
Morgan, A. (2020, September). IASD president’s address: Deeply listening. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 37(3), 7-9.
Morgan, A. (2021, January). Introducing the IASD Diversity Task Force Advisory Committee (DAC). In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 38(1), 7-9.
Morgan, A. (2021, May). Diversity training for IASD board & staff. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 38(2), 7-9.
Morgan, A. (2021, September). IASD’s outgoing president’s address. In J. Campbell (Ed.), Dreamtime Magazine. 38(3), 7-9.
the huffington post
Morgan, A. K. (2013, December). Theories abound to age-old question: Why do we dream? The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, January). Recurring dreams: Your dreams are trying to tell you something! The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, January). Interpreting dream interpretation. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, March). Dreams vs. dreams. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Expectant Mother’s Day dreams. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, October). Why sharing your dreams is so important. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, October). What dreams about zombies, the apocalypse, and The Walking Dead could mean. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2015, November). Dreams: A Thanksgiving feast for the soul. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2015, June). From gambling to Google: Finding creative inspiration in your dreams. The Huffington Post.
Morgan, A. K. (2016, October). You will never view violence in dreams the same way. The Huffington Post.
dreamscloud blogs
Morgan, A. K. (2013, September). Responding to teens’ questions about dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2013, October). Understanding why we dream. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2013, November). Do dreams have meaning? Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2013, December). Popular theories: Where do dreams originate? Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, January). Why do I have trouble remembering my dreams? Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, January). Interacting and making choices in lucid dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, February). Understanding your romantic feelings through dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, February). Understanding different kinds of nightmares. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, April). Tips for expecting parents about dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Tips for new parents about dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Tips for honoring children’s dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Teen development and dreams. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Happy Mother’s Day, dreamers! Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, May). Walking the dreambridge part 1: Intro to dream-bridging. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, June). Walking the dreambridge part 2: The dream-creativity connection. Dreams Cloud.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, June). Walking the dreambridge part 3: Dream news 2050. Dreams Cloud.
Audiobook (2019) for DREAMER’S POWERFUL TIGER
A brief sample of the new Audiobook for Dreamer's Powerful Tiger: A New Lucid Dreaming Classic for Children and Parents of the 21st Century, synchronized here with images from the print book. Audiobook available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Print book available in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle, on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.
This interview is part of The Dreamwork Summit, a free online event featuring master dream teachers unveiling how you can harness the power of your dreams for insight, guidance and renewed purpose. For more information, please visit https://thedreamworksummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
featured in
Bell, K. (Host). (2021, April 3). An Upcoming Virtual Dream Conference with IASD President, Dr. Angel Morgan. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Dream Journal. KSQD Santa Cruz.
Van Nuys, D. (Host). (2021, April 28). #747 Latest Developments in Dreamwork with Angel Morgan PhD. [Audio podcast episode]. In Shrink Rap Radio. Also on YouTube.
Walden, K. S. (Host). (2021, May 19). Dragons, Angels, and How to Talk to Kids About Their Dreams with Angel Morgan, Ph.D. [Audio podcast episode]. In Ask Dr. Dream. Unity Online Radio.
Wood, R. & Hsu, A. (2021, November 8). Explore Dreams and Their Meanings with Dr. Stanley Krippner. [Video]. YouTube.
Findlay, K., & Rao, A. (2022, March 9). Dreamed. In Embodied Podcast. [Audio podcast episode]. WUNC.org.
Findlay, K., & Rao, A. (2022, March 11). What Our Dreams Are Trying to Tell Us. In Embodied Radio Show. [NPR episode]. WUNC.org.
Morgan, A. K. (2022, June 14). Lucid Dreaming for Children and Parents of the 21st Century. Tuesday Night Lecture Series. Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. Ashland, OR.
Morgan, A. K. (2022, November 2). Dream Weaver: Exploring Dreams & Creativity. Oakdale Obstetrics & Gynecology. A Natural Life Transition webinar via Zoom.us.
Anderson, C. (2023, June 18). IASD 40th Anniversary. [Video]. YouTube.
Morgan, A. K. (2023, December 3). The Healing Power of Dream Sharing. Cultural Integration Fellowship, San Francisco, CA.
Montana, A. (Host.) (2024, May 24). Dream Telepathy & Shared Dreaming. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Dream World podcast.
Montana, A. (Host). (2024, September 10). IASD Interviews Dr. Angel Morgan & Victor Lee Lewis, MA: A Benefit for DEI Programs. [YouTube]. iasdreams.
Johnson, M. (Host.) (2024, September 17). Children’s Dreams with Dr. Angel Morgan. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Dream Hub podcast.
iasd continued
Morgan, A. K. (2022, July 17). Introduction to Edward Bruce Bynum’s Keynote Address: African Mysticism in Modern Science. IASD Conference 39, Loewe’s Ventana Resort, Tucson, AZ.
Morgan, A. K. (2022, July 19). Introduction to Stephen LaBerge’s Keynote Address: Anagnostic Oneirony: Dreaming and Awakening. IASD Conference 39, Loewe’s Ventana Resort, Tucson, AZ.
Morgan, A. K. (2022, October 31). The Lucid Dreaming Sender Effect. IASD Online Conference: The Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming, via Glidewing.com.
Morgan, A. K. (2023, June 18). Co-Host with Kelly Bulkeley. The 40th Annual Conference of the IASD. Ashland Hills Hotel, Ashland, OR.
Morgan, A. K. (2023, June 20). Lucid Dream Drama. Workshop. IASD Conference 40. Ashland Hills Hotel, Ashland, OR.
Morgan, A. K. (2023, June 20). Dream Arts, Theater Arts. Dreams and Theater Symposium. IASD Conference 40. Ashland Hills Hotel, Ashland, OR.
Morgan, A. K. (2024, June 8). Introduction to David Peña-Guzmán’s Keynote Address: Non-Human Dreamers. IASD Conference 41, Rolduc Abbey, The Netherlands.
Morgan, A. K. (2024, June 12). Lucid Dream Drama. Workshop. IASD Conference 41, Rolduc Abbey, The Netherlands.
linked: the dream-creativity connection (trailer)
dream news 2050
Morgan, A. K. (2007). Development of a dream-arts curriculum. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2008). Creating dreambridge. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2008). Dreambridge dream-arts community center. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2008). Influence and inspiration between dreams and art forms in art students living in community. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA. [Funding received from Idyllwild Arts Academy].
Morgan, A. K. (2008 - 2013) Documentary Filmmaker, Producer, Researcher, Director, Editor. San Francisco, Idyllwild, CA, New York, Los Angeles, Ashland, OR, Waimea, HI.
Morgan, A. K. (2009). Influence and inspiration between dreams and creativity in members of dream groups. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2009). Effects of the link between dreams and creativity in the work of professional creative artists. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2010). Investigating experienced links between dreams and creativity in the work of professional creative artists. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2010 – 2011). Co-Researcher with Dr. Steven Pritzker, Ph.D.: Longevity of Comedians, & Writer-Directors. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2011). Investigating experienced links between dreams and creativity in the work of professional creative artists. (Doctoral dissertation).
Morgan, A. K. (June 2014 – June 2016). Independent Judge, Remote Viewing Study. Saybrook University. The Saybrook Remote Viewing Study with Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Morgan, A. K. (2017, March 25). My experience as a DT/Psi “sender” in conference contests for the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Guest Lecture. Sofia University: Palo Alto, CA.
Part One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al6XWSQFHPM
Part Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45YoieG6QCo&feature=youtu.be
Part Three: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQqd3TOXgkc
Krippner, S., Saunders, D. T., Morgan, A., & Quan, A. (2019). Remote viewing of concealed target pictures under light and dark conditions. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 15(1), 27-37.
Featured In
Dwyer, R., Van De Castle, R., & Pimm, B. (2010). Dreams as a multidimensional expression of PSI. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 6(4), 263-268.
Collins, S. (Host). (2010, March 22). Interview with Angel Morgan. [Audio podcast episode]. In Destiny’s Doorstep. Blog Talk Radio.
Cernuto, M. (Director). (2012). Dr. Angel Kwan-Yin Morgan Interview with DreamsCloud at IASD. Berkeley, CA: Carpathia Films.
Cernuto, M., & Charnin, D. (2013). Astrology, telepathy, & mutual dreaming: Based on data collected during the Psi Dreaming Contest in Berkeley, CA 2012. Dreamtime Magazine. 30(1), 18-20.
Burton, B. (2013, December). Naked in public? Dreams Cloud wants to get inside your mind. CNET.
Kaufman, G. (2014, March). A 3-step guide for getting rid of bad dreams. Glamour.
Klein, R. (2014, May). Turns out your education level may impact your dreams. The Huffington Post.
Carlson, C. (2014, October). The hottest night of your life. Womens Health, 120-122.
Dovey, D. (2014, December). What dreams mean and what they say about you, based on science. Medical Daily.
Patrão, C. (2015, April 19). Down the royal road: A Dreamlands commission by Radio Arts. Zepelim.
Steber, C. (2016, December). 11 scientific explanations for having different types of weird dreams. Bustle.
Fernandez, R., & Young, S. (2018, October). Dream theory: Experts interpret the meaning and importance of dreams. el Estoque.
Johnson, C. R. (2019, Winter). Amazing dreamers: Interview with Angel Morgan, Ph.D. Dreamtime Magazine. 36(1), 28-30.
Puricelli, S. (2019, Spring). Nominating and selecting IASD leadership. Dreamtime Magazine. 36(2), 19-21.
Hurd, R. (2019, Spring). Dream Bibliophile Book Review of Dreamer’s Powerful Tiger: A New Lucid Dreaming Classic for Children and Parents of the 21st Century. Dreamtime Magazine. 36(2), 39-40.
Hayden, C. (2019, June 1). Putting your dreams to work for you. Sneak Preview: Ashland’s News & Review. 29(8), 1,6.
Roulette, S. (Host). (2019, November). Episode 1: In your sleep. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Beacon Today. SoundCloud.
Walden, K. S. (Host). (2020, May 13). Dragons, Angels, and Your Children’s Dreams. [Audio podcast episode]. In Ask Dr. Dream. Unity Online Radio.
Bell, K. (Host). (2020, June 6). IASD and The Dream Bridge with Angel Morgan. [Audio podcast episode]. In The Dream Journal. KSQD Santa Cruz.
international association for the study of dreams (IASD)
Morgan, A. K. (2009, June 27-28). “Sender” and judge panel member for Dream Telepathy Contest. IASD Conference 26, Chicago, IL.
Morgan, A. K. (2010, June 28-29). “Sender” and judge panel member for Dream Telepathy Contest. IASD Conference 27, Asheville, NC.
Morgan, A. K. (2010, June 29). Director’s preview of documentary film, Linked: the dream-creativity connection. IASD Conference 27, Asheville, NC.
Morgan, A. K. (2012, June 26). Presentation: Experienced links between dreams and creativity in the work of professional creative artists. IASD Conference 29, Berkeley, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2012, June 23-24). “Sender” for Dream Telepathy Contest. IASD Conference 29, Berkeley, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2012, September 23-26). “Target Dreamer” and final Judge for Mutual Dreaming Contest. IASD Psiber Dreaming Conference. Online.
Morgan, A. K. (2014, June 4-8). Attendee: IASD Conference 31, Berkeley, CA.
Morgan, A. K., & Emden, J. (2015, June 6). Presentation: The healing power of dream sharing in physical space and cyber space: Indigenous roots and contemporary community potential. Healing Symposium. IASD Conference 32, Virginia Beach, VA. Based on the paper, Dream sharing as a healing method: Tropical roots and contemporary community potential.
Morgan, A. K. (2015). Honorable Mention: The Psi Dreaming Contest. IASD Conference 32, Virginia Beach, VA.
Morgan, A. K. (2015). Winner: Gender Related costume. Dream Ball. IASD Conference 32, Virginia Beach, VA.
Morgan, A. K. (Spring, 2017). Became IASD Regional Representative for the state of Oregon.
Morgan, A. K. (2017, June 16-20). “Sender” and judge panel member for Dream Telepathy Contest. IASD Conference 34, Anaheim, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2017, June 16-20). Book signing panel. Sleep monsters and superheroes: Empowering children through creative dreamplay. IASD Conference 34, Anaheim, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (Summer, 2018). Elected to IASD Board of Directors.
Morgan, A. K. (2018, June 16-20). Book signing for Dreamer's powerful tiger: A new lucid dreaming classic for children and parents of the 21st century. IASD Conference 35, Scottsdale, AZ.
Morgan, A. K. (January, 2019). IASD Regional Representatives Contact Person.
Morgan, A. K. (2019, April). Dream News 2050. Art and Film show. IASD Regional Event: Festival of Dreams. Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz, CA.
Morgan, A. K. (2019, May 31-June 2). Co-Hosted IASD Regional Conference, Theater, Dreams, and Art with Kelly Bulkeley. (Presented: Dream Arts, Theater Arts and Dream Arts, Visual Arts; Workshops: Dream Drama and Dream Cards). Ashland, OR.
Morgan, A. K. (2019, June 21-25). Empowering Children’s Dreams panel. Dragons, Angels, and Rites of Passage Dreams. IASD Conference 36, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Morgan, A. K. (2019, June 25). Incoming President’s Dream Song. Closing Ceremony. IASD Conference 36. Rolduc Conference Center, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Morgan, A. K. (June, 2019). President and CEO of IASD. Executive Committee Chair.
Morgan, A. K. (June, 2019). Conference Advisory Committee Keynote Coordinator.
Morgan, A. K. (October, 2019). Dream Study Groups Program (DSGP) Co- Chair.
Morgan, A. K. (2020, June 15). IASD President’s Address. IASD General Membership Meeting, Online. [Video]. YouTube.
Morgan, A. K. (June, 2020). Diversity Task Force Advisory Committee (DAC) Chair.
Morgan, A. K. (2020, September 1). Cross-cultural Dream Sharing and Healing. IASD Dream Study Groups Program Foundation Series, Course 1.
Morgan, A. K. (2020, November 3 – 14). Dragons, Angels, and Rites of Passage: Developmental Lucid Dreaming for Children and Teens. IASD Online Conference: The Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming, via Glidewing.com.
Public course for IASD Board, Hard Conversations: Whiteness, Race, and Social Justice – with Patti Digh and Victor Lee Lewis, January 26 – February 23, 2021.
Private IASD Board sessions with Victor Lee Lewis via Zoom, January 24 – March 7, 2021.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 13 – 17). Host of the 38th Annual and First Virtual Conference for the IASD.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 13). Introduction and Live Q&A with Fanny Brewster, Ph.D. after her Keynote talk, Dreams: Letting My Heart Be Broken. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 13). Host. Opening reception. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 14). Introduction and Live Q&A with Eduardo Duran, Ph.D. after hisKeynote talk, Dream Entity Bringing Form From the Blackworld to the Plantworld. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 15). Outgoing President’s Address. General Membership Meeting. IASD Conference 38, Virtual. [Video]. YouTube.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 16). Dreams, Creativity, and the Arts. Dreams & The Arts Symposium. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 16). Lucid Dream Drama. Dreams & The Arts Workshop. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, June 17). Introduction and Live Q&A with Keith Salmon, Ph.D. after his Keynote Film, To Walk In Beauty. IASD Conference 38, Virtual.
Morgan, A. K. (2021, November 1). Lucid Dreaming, Acting and Directing. IASD Online Conference: The Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming, via Glidewing.com.