Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming 3!
By Dr. Angel Morgan
Interested in Lucid Dreaming? IASD presents its 3rd Annual,The Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming online conference this Fall, co-hosted by Ed Kellogg and Robert Waggoner. Over a dozen amazing lucid dreamers will present from various perspectives!
Here’s a brief description of my presentation… one of 13!
The Lucid Dreaming Sender Effect
Angel Morgan, PhD
The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) has held informal dream telepathy, psi, and mutual dreaming contests over the years, inspired by Krippner and Ullman’s experiments at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY (Ullman, Krippner, & Vaughan, 1973). Traditionally, these contests focus on the psychic ability of the percipients. This presentation explores what can happen when a sender integrates a lucid dreaming protocol to their sending. It explores how adding lucid dream reports of the sender can create “the sender effect” by offering new data for judges to work with and potentially contributing a wider range of psi dreaming hits. Creativity and hard work are involved when a sender adds lucid dreaming to their sending protocol. In this presentation, I will briefly describe for you how I experienced this protocol and informally developed it from 2009 – 2017 as a LD sender at IASD conferences. Further, I will share examples of the LD sender effect producing evidence for precognitive, mutual, and shared dreaming in some of those contests.
Ullman, M., Krippner, S., & Vaughan, A. (1973). Dream telepathy: Scientific experiments in the supernatural. Macmillan.
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